Wednesday, December 12, 2012


There is some good news in all this. I’m going to culinary school. I’ve applied to Johnson and wales and got accepted. Very happy day for me when I got the phone call. I’m hoping for financial aid, but I don’t know how much I’ll actually get since I’ll have to use my ex’s financial information. Maybe this year, I’ll go to H&R block. *snicker* Nah…turbo tax here I come.

I’m going to be a chef and part of my plan is to come up with bariatric friendly recipes. At times, it’s a pain in the ass to cook, to find recipes that work for each stage and are still…filling. I might even start a restaurant, call it “half portions” I can see it now…

Plans,,, they are what keep you going sometimes.

1 comment:

Mrs. Bradley said...

Congrats at getting into Culinary school. I am a new followers and look forward to learning about the best Bariatric recipes as I am hoping for surgery by summer...