Thursday, February 23, 2012

Not everything that glitters…

There has been a development in my journey and I feel that I need to share it with you. Its not meant to scare or discourage anyone from taking the path that this blog talks about. It’s meant more as a reminder that just because you lose the weight does not mean you are out of the woods.

So since about Nov or so, I’ve been getting very high readings on the bp. I mean…pre-surgery readings. I thought I was done with this crap, but it seems that I’m not. the final clincher came when I went to the OB/GYN and got another high reading. So, with a heavy heart, I went in to see my PCP. Still more sad face since it was confirmed, I had high blood pressure. With that edict, I am back on blood pressure meds. It’s not something that I planned on, which is why I’m upset. I’d been sure that the weight loss would kind just…erase it all and I would be good as new.

Just goes to show…being thin is not the same as being healthy.


Sheila said...

D - I'm so sorry. :( I am hoping this won't be the case with my hubby. It runs pretty strongly in his family though so I wouldn't be shocked. :(

Desiree Rogers said...

Thanks for the support. I have my fingers crossed for him to. I got the news a year out, so maybe he'll be lucky. The good things is the meds are not cazy high like they were so it's better manageable.